Foleon for Higher Education

Pain points

1. Limited data and engagement tracking
Legacy and print media fail to provide valuable insights into student engagement, course popularity, and the dissemination of critical information. This lack of data hinders universities' ability to understand the effectiveness of their communication strategies.

2. Inadequate responsiveness for mobile devices
The prevalent use of mobile and cellular devices among students highlights the inadequacy of print media in delivering content.

3. Costly, unsustainable, and inflexible medium
It's evident that the limitations of legacy and print media pose significant obstacles for higher education institutions, pointing to the pressing need for adopting innovative, sustainable, and responsive digital solutions.

Campaign results

Retargeting (MOFU Education) is performing very well at 0.82% when taking into account we aren’t offering a high value CTA.

Historically when we have run conversion campaigns at first touch we see a CTR in the neighbourhood of 0.40% so 0.60% under this campaign objective is very promising. When comparing this to MOFU IMA which is optimized to traffic objective (meaning that ads are shown to retargeting audiences who are most likely to click on ads) we are on par - which says a lot about the engagement we are seeing at an awareness level for hi-ed.


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